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Using a theoretical comparison of the terminal rise velocity with respect to the bubble size derived by Hadamard and Rybczynski, the microbubble diameters obtained from present measurements show a similar tendency to the theoretical formula.

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The bubble generator types described above are based on the assumption that the growth and release of a sphere bubble is formed from nozzles or orifices, and this process consists of bubble expansion stage and collapse stage [13]. This complex process of the bubble formation necessarily involves a variety of additional techniques for precisely controlling the bubble size and amount of production.

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Yoshida et al. [oito] found that microbubbles were generated through the collision of a gas with the pressure wall formed by a shock wave. Yin et al. [nove] conducted an experimental study on the bubble size distribution in the turbulence flow for the Venturi-type bubble generator and proved that the averaged bubble diameter has a dependence on the Reynolds number. Uesawa et al. [10] researched the mechanism of the bubble breakup phenomenon in a Venturi tube and obtained experimental results that the bubbles expanded once into a divergence region of suplementos brasilia the Venturi tube and then contracted rapidly and broke up into a great number of fine bubbles. Gordiychuk et al. [11] investigated the effects of the flowrates of air and water on the bubble size for a Venturi tube connected bubble generator. They measured bubble size by picturing the flow and using a post-processing algorithm. Zhao et al. [12] visualized the details of the transportation of individual bubbles in a Venturi tube by using a digital image analysis (POR DIA) method. An extremely rapid deceleration and intense breakup process was observed at the entrance of the diverging section of the bubble generator.

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